Hope for the Future: Single Mom

A single mom, two young children and no place to call home! This family in need found Family Promise of Beaufort County by searching the internet for help! Their lives changed in November 2019 when they entered the Shelter Program and received the help they needed to find security for their future.
Here is what Mom had to say about her experience with Family Promise.
“I was no stranger to the Shelter System and although hesitant to enter, I had no choice as I was in desperate need of housing.
The Case Manager explained the program, emphasizing that as long as I did my part, Family Promise would support me. After a few days, I got the call that my family had been accepted into the program. Although happy about the opportunity, I was nervous too, but I need not have been!
Once my family entered the program everyone treated us with respect. All of our basic needs were taken care of and I didn’t have to worry about my kids not having a place to sleep or food to eat. Family Promise even provided transportation!
The Family Promise staff and volunteers treated us with dignity and respect. I could tell that the meals that were prepared for us came from the heart. The volunteers ate with us and would often engage in conversation and activities, always making us feel comfortable, loved, and at home.
On January 8, 2020, Family Promise made my dream come true! The one thing I wanted most was a place that my girls and I could call home and Family Promise helped that dream become a reality!
After exiting the program, we were invited to participate in the Staying on Track Program. This helped considerably. It gave me the feeling of security that Family Promise was still there to make sure I succeeded. My girls went to the Boys and Girls Club in Bluffton and daycare while I worked. The Case Manager would go over my budget plan and showed me how to stretch my dollar to be more financially responsible.
My girls and I are extremely happy and comfortable. My daughter is doing well academically and I have a sense of independence and no longer feel like a failure. I thank God every day for blessing us with Family Promise.”
This family continues to thrive! With a place to call home and a bright future that would not have been possible without the Family Promise of Beaufort County Shelter Program and the continued support from their dedicated Case Manager.
For more information about Family Promise of Beaufort County, please contact Stephanie on 843-815-4211, fpbcstaff@gmail.com, or check out the website at familypromisebeaufortcounty.org.