August Volunteer Spotlight
Family Promise of Beaufort County Shines the Spotlight on Judy Frost
As a volunteer driven organization, we are shining the spotlight each month on one of our dedicated volunteers who are the heart of Family Promise. They work tirelessly and greatly deserve our thanks and recognition!
In August, we shine the Volunteer Spotlight on Judy Frost, coordinator for Family Promise activities at Live Oak Christian Church in Bluffton. A congregation actively committed to helping those in need, Live Oak is a support church to host congregation Lowcountry Presbyterian Church. “We work closely with Lowcountry Presbyterian volunteers when guest families stay there. I recruit from groups within our church, train volunteers and organize our Family Promise activities – everything from preparing meals to arranging for folks to stay overnight,” Judy says.
When asked about her work on behalf of homeless families Judy says, “I love being able to make a difference in someone’s life. One of my gifts is cooking and I enjoy providing food for others. So, this mission fits me perfectly!”
Lowcountry Presbyterian is one of the churches that graciously host homeless children and their families four weeks each year. In 2019, they hosted two weeks at a time, “back to back” weeks, which poses unique challenges. “We need two weeks’ worth of volunteer support to cook meals and enough trained individuals to stay with guests overnight, “Judy says.” She and her team provide that assistance two nights each week, for a total of four nights per visit.
Judy has been a member of Live Oak since she and her husband, Larry, moved to Bluffton in February 2014. She says of her church, “They became my home the first time I walked through the doors and I try to offer that same welcome to other newcomers I see come through those doors now.”
In 2016, Live Oak was recruited to be a support church for Lowcountry Presbyterian. At that time, Judy was asked to be the volunteer coordinator. “I am excited to serve in this role,” says Judy. “I hope that someday, when we have our own building (Live Oak currently meets at Bluffton School of Dance), that we too may become a host church for Family Promise guests.”
In addition to spearheading Family Promise efforts at her church, Judy serves on the Live Oak Hospitality Team, is a member of the Compassion Team and leads a small group of women in her home for Bible study. She also coordinates many church events (all involving food) such as the annual church picnic, end of year breakfast for teachers and staff at the two Bluffton high schools, the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and the Starting Point Lunch for new members.
The proud mother of three sons and a step-daughter, Judy has 12 grandchildren. She takes great pleasure in being able to visit family members and enjoys when they come to visit here. “Being close to family is the one thing I miss having moved to South Carolina,” Judy says. Her children and their families live in Utah, Arizona and Colorado, and her mom lives in northern Idaho where Judy was raised. Judy’s oldest brother lives about 30 minutes from her mom and Judy takes comfort in knowing her mom is “well taken care of.”
When asked how she and Larry chose the Low Country, having lived previously for many years in Yuma, Arizona, Judy says, “My husband works in the DC area. Commuting to Arizona was tiring for him and quite time consuming. When considering places to move, which we both decided meant relocating to the southeast, I asked Larry to give me four states to choose from. After doing lots of research, I chose South Carolina. I spent one week in the Charleston area and then headed to Hilton Head and Bluffton, where we both had visited. Once I spent time here again it just felt like this is where we were supposed to be.”
In addition to the joy she finds in cooking, Judy delights in making quilts – something she has done since she was 16. “About eight years ago my mom turned over to me making baby quilts for all the new babies in the family. In addition, once the grandchildren turn four to five and are in a “big” bed, they get a larger quilt.” This activity keeps Judy busy as she creates quilts for her 12 grandchildren and eight grand nieces and nephews! In addition, Judy plans to make quilts for families at Hopeful Horizons, a children’s advocacy, domestic violence and rape crisis center in Beaufort. “I know many of those women and children leave home with nothing. I want to enable the children especially to feel they have something special of their very own,” she says.
Judy and her dedication to others exemplify the more than 800 volunteers who make it possible for Family Promise to provide respite to homeless families with children. To you all, we offer our gratitude and thanks!